Massilly North America Awarded G7 Master Qualification

Massilly North America Awarded G7 Master Qualification

Massilly North America has announced that it has achieved G7® Master Facility Qualification as part of our integrated colour management system for producing metal closures.

G7® is an industry-leading set of specifications from Idealliance® for achieving visual similarity across all print processes. It is a global standard widely used to measure the colour accuracy on any output device. G7 Master Status indicates calibration of equipment and systems to G7 gray balance and neutral tone curves and is capable of delivering G7 proofs and print products.

“We are extremely proud of our team for achieving G7 Master Qualification. Consistent quality is important to our customers,” says Garnet Lasby, President of Massilly North America. “Our commitment to the G7 methodology is just one example of how we’re maximizing our performance for the benefit of our customers.”

Colour increases brand recognition by 80% to potential customers buying products from store shelves. In fact, customers base 90% of their buying decisions on colour alone. As a consumer scans the shelf to find a brand of pickles, jam or pasta sauce, they will spot the colour first and then read the brand name and variety. That is why Massilly North America believes brand colour is so important and measures for colour consistency.

Massilly North America joins a select group of global print service providers who have successfully completed training, examination and qualification process of their print production processes, validating their capabilities to the highest level of global industry standards and specifications. The implementation of the G7 methodology enables printers to reproduce a visually similar appearance a cross all printing types and substrates along with improving process control and production efficiency.

“We applaud Massilly for utilizing the G7 Master Program to assure consistency and quality in their proofing, brand colour management and print processes,” commented Jordan Gorski, Senior Vice President, Idealliance. “G7 Master Qualification demonstrates a level of control and expertise that places Massilly at the top of their field. We applaud their leadership, commitment and support of the G7 Master Qualification Program.”

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